1905 Long Hill Road • Millington NJ 07946 • (908) 647-7984 • Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 7 pm, Fri: 8 am - 6 pm, Sat: 8 am - 5 pm
Interior Upholstery Repair

Does your car have a cracked dashboard, cracked door panel or console, tears or cigarette burns in your seats or carpet?
Well, here is your chance to put the value back in your car and do something about it.
These repairs give your interior a better appearance without having the high cost of seat, dash, and console replacement. Interior Repair is an inexpensive alternative that is also better for the environment as it reduces the demand for plastics and fibers.

Each year, thousands of tons of plastics are disposed in landfill sites. These products are not bio-degradeable and can pollute landfills for hundreds of years.

- Saves 5,774 kWh energy
- Saves 16.3 barrels (685 gallons) of oil
- Saves 98 million Btu's of energy
- Saves 30 cubic yards of landfill space
Please contact us for more information as repairs are based on a per case basis!