At Long Hill Auto, we believe that being a good neighbor means

supporting local organizations as well as providing reliable, trustworthy

service to our customers.


As an example, here is a letter from a local

Girl Scout Cadet troop earning their Car Sense badge.


From:  Jenny...
Sent:  Friday, April 20, 2007 5:48 PM
To:  'Bob Arlotta'
Subject:  Girl Scout Badge

Thanks so much for taking this on.  My girls are going to really enjoy this, and learn a lot! 

The badge we are working on is the CAR SENSE badge.  We need to complete the following requirements (more or less):

-Let the girls see how to check fluids (Oil, Transmission Fluid, Brake Fluid, Power steering fluid) how often, & cost estimates for this service (let them get involved as much as possible).

-Discuss other typical repair problems and cost estimates: reline brakes; re-align wheels and balance tires; replace belts, steering lines and hoses; replace damaged or loose parts in the exhaust system; replace shock absorbers...

-Let the girls see how (or help, if possible) to change the oil and oil filter on a car; how is used oil disposed of (recycled?)

-Check tire pressure with a gauge. 

-Let the girls see how (or help, if possible) to change a tire.

-Talk about anti-lock brakes VS traditional brakes.  How does ALB affect your driving ability in inclement weather and emergency situations?

-Talk about how cars have become computerized - what does this mean for mechanics?  What are the implications for drivers?  (If you worked on cars before computers, are there any advantages of not having computers in cars? What are the advantages of computers in cars?)

-The girls will need to ask you Career questions:  What was your training for this job? Schooling?  On the job experience? Previous jobs? What else is involved in running an auto mechanic business besides repairing cars?  Etc.

...anyone who goes to this extent for a customer must be the best auto mechanic around!  

FYI - We are GS Senior Troop 814, 10th grade at Ridge HS, Basking Ridge....

Thanks again,





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